Who we are

Sky Blue Press was founded by Paul Herron in 1996 when no academic or commercial publisher would accept his first book (Anaïs Nin: A Book of Mirrors) without censoring significant content. Like Nin before him, he decided to form his own publishing company as a result and follow his vision. Since then, Sky Blue Press has not only resurrected Nin’s unexpurgated diary series after a seventeen-year-long refusal by commercial firms to publish these essential titles, but also fought and won against censorship by America’s largest book distributor of Nin’s long-lost erotica, Auletris. It has also published a fifteen-issue annual literary journal dedicated to Nin, all of Nin’s fiction in digital format, books about Nin by Benjamin Franklin V, Britt Arenander and Barbara Kraft, as well as Daisy Aldan’s translations of the poetry of French symbolist Stéphane Mallarmé. We do not compromise; we do not censor; and we never quit striving for literary excellence.